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Reflections of a Midwife Part Seven

One birth that has to be mentioned was my MSW’s daughter. I had declined to care for her as her mom, my assistant could not be emotionally unbiased in the case of an emergency, so I was her “birth partner” at the hospital instead of her midwife.  What I witnessed that day and what she went through has NO place on here  …But three years later I was called as the chief witness in the High Court.

This has to be the most terrifying thing I have ever had to prepare for …….taking on the Government of Antigua ……it remains an “open case” to this day as there was no way we were going to be allowed to win.  

Women across the world have a human right to be treated with dignity, love and care when they are giving birth as it is truly the time they are at their most vulnerable. As much as people grumble about our NHS at times …… we honestly do not realise just how blessed we really are.  Women around the world are not all as lucky as we are.

Midwives in England are trained to the highest of levels of care …… they have a true compassion for women too. Women here in England have choices ……Hospital / Birth Centres / Home Births and they can choose any hospital they want to too  But ….. it’s all about the right woman being in the right place to keep her safe .At times we may all seem like we are stern and don’t always agree with choices that some women may make…… however, this is because of what we know / what we have seen and what we honestly believe to be the best choice for women because of our previous experiences.

Our experiences shape us as midwives as much as our experiences shape us in our personal lives ……. And I know I personally have had discussions with women that may have upset them …… but when you have seen what I have seen you honestly do not want to see anyone else go through the same thing as it’s too heartbreaking for words.

So ladies please TRUST your midwife and your Doctors if they sometimes advise you that they feel you are making a “risky” decision …….. it’s coming from a GOOD place not a bad place I promise you.  We always, always only want you and your baby to be safe and well  

Nothing more, nothing less.


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